For the Girls, Supporting the Cause is devoted to promoting breast cancer awareness, and in turn, increasing funds for research, treatment, and preventative care.

By partnering with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and with the Joy to Life Foundation, Supporting the Cause is able to provide basic information on breast cancer, display products that benefit the cause and are available for purchase, and link to other organizations seeking a cure and awareness for breast cancer.

Supporting the Cause was created by Patty Baisden, Vice President of Wind River Chimes (formerly QMT Windchimes), of which Patty’s husband Jamie is owner and President.

Recently moved by her mother’s experience with breast cancer, Patty felt compelled to focus some of her attention on the struggle. As part of Wind River, Patty created For the Girls pink wind chimes. 50% of For the Girls profits go to nonprofit organizations seeking a cure or promoting awareness of breast cancer.

Wind River Chimes (formerly QMT Windchimes) is the premier domestic manufacturer of high quality, hand-tuned wind chimes. It is located in Manassas Park, VA, and was purchased by Jamie and Patty in 2006. Both Jamie and Patty have a long history of being activity involved in their community, and their family remains dedicated to giving back, getting involved, and volunteering to serve others.

Jamie and Patty also take this dedication into their field by having Wind River partner with different charitable organizations each month. Led by the Baisdens, Wind River actively supports several nonprofit groups who are serving the local community, as well as those reaching out to meet global needs.

The creation of Supporting the Cause allows the Baisdens and Wind River to continually do their part for breast cancer awareness and research, while still supporting other causes and organizations. In all of this, they are committed to raising awareness, funds, and hope.

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