A new year brings new opportunities to be generous, both with our time and money.
Our aim is to support breast cancer survivors and patients in all we do, and we hope you’ll join us in our quest this year.
As you plan out your charitable giving for this year and beyond, consider giving both your money and your time to one of these three key organizations, all of whom have parallel missions to ours:
The American Cancer Society is one of the most important resources out there today for cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their caregivers. This dedicated charity supplies key information and support to everyone whose life has been touched by cancer in any way. We’re proud to recommend their resources to anyone seeking more information about cancer and its effects.
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Like the American Cancer Society, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation is a key resource for both cancer survivors and patients. The BCRF is the highest rated cancer charity in the United States and seeks the best and brightest minds from around the world as it continues its mission of fighting cancer every day.
This foundation is one of two supported by donations from our For the Girls line of wind chimes, along with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The Joy To Life Foundation is specifically geared to support medically underserved women throughout the United States through grants, information, and resources as they help fight the ongoing battle against breast cancer.
Have a blessed day,