In honor of Mother’s Day, we want to celebrate moms and the particular gift they give us when they invite us into their struggles and suffering.
Since the dawn of time, mothers have always done the hard work of bringing life into the world. They are life-giving by nature, filling our lives and hearts with inspiration. While moms are an inspiration to us in the best of times, they are even more so through their losses. The mentors and moms who show us that struggle and suffering is universal – and can be endured — are the ones who inspire us most.
It bears repeating that For the Girls pink wind chimes were created as a response to a daughter’s heartache for her mom. Wind River’s co-founder, Patty Baisden, was inspired by her mother’s battle with breast cancer to create something out of her own grief. Observing her mom’s struggle, Patty also knew first hand what might bring comfort during a difficult time–a beautiful sound.
Music heals and listening inspires! It’s a beautiful and life-giving cycle. To face a diagnosis is inspiring. To walk alongside someone in pain is inspiring. To create something for a community from a place of deep understanding is not only inspiring, it’s generative. This is what mothers teach us: to connect through our pain, to create through our pain, and to live in spite of our pain. Because in doing that, we re-inspire every life around us, including our own.
If you know a woman who needs to be reminded of how inspiring they are, consider giving them a For the Girls pink wind chime. These moms, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, mentors and friends need to know how much their lives matter, even when full of pain, because they inspire us to face our own lives, no matter what.