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The Power of Telling Your

March 3, 2023

There is an emerging form of medical practice called “narrative medicine”, and it focuses on stories–how we tell them and how we listen to them. According to Dr. Rita Charon,

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Tips for Advocating for Yourself

February 3, 2023

Healthcare can be extremely overwhelming. And, unfortunately, the care you receive is highly varied depending on the doctor, staff, or facility treating you. That’s why it’s imperative to advocate for

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An Invitation to Walk

April 1, 2022

Every year, thousands of people world-wide raise awareness and support for breast cancer by participating in walks and races. The images and stories from these events highlight the bravery and

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Helpful Breast Cancer Resources

January 28, 2022

A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming for the patient and their loved ones. The following information provides some helpful information for patients and those supporting them, including insights into

The History of “For the

December 28, 2021

Like so many things, important causes take on new meaning when they become personal. When a health challenge hits close to home, many of us find ourselves itching to do